
現行版,Sunshine 2のProgram 10は,異文化理解,を扱った単元です。


Cultural Gapに焦点を当て,他者をどう受容するか,自分を理解してもらえるようにするか,などを扱っています。






そんなわけで,教科書の内容,題材との出会いを次のようなteacher talkで始めました。


Do you remember the country I lived in about 15 years ago?

I often told you about the episodes of my stay there.

Which country did I live in?

Yes. The Philippines.

What kind of country is it?

Yes. It's an island country.

Now I'll ask you a quiz question.

How many islands are there in the Philippines?


A, about 70.    B. about 700.    C. about 7000.    D. 1 million.


Raise your hands.

The right answer is C. There are so many islands.

By the way, I'll tell you an episode.

One day, one of my Philippino friends told me, "Mr. T, let's go dinner!"

Then, I asked him, "What time?"

He answered, "OK. Let's meet at seven."

I went to the restaurant at 6:50, 10 minutes before.

Now, I have another quiz question.

What time did he come?


A. at 6:30.    B. at 7.    C. at 7:30.    D. He never came.


Raise your hands.

The right answer is C.

I was a bit angry because he was so late, but he didn't feel sorry.

"Mr. T, why are you angry?"

He didn't understand me and said, "Mr. T, do you know 'Coconut time?'

"We don't mind in case someone gets late."

They are always relaxed and people who come on time start eating and drinking.

People come late just join and enjoy together.

Do you understand?

Each country has its own customs.




登場人物が,オーストラリアでホームステイをしたときに,ホストマザーから冷蔵庫を指差され,Help yourself.と言われた際,どうしてよいか分からず,結局何も食べられなかった話を読みます。







Do you still remember my episode in the Philippines?

My friend came to the restaurant so late.

However, which way of thinking is right, Mr. T's or his friend's?




その後,the way of thinkingってどういうことかな?と尋ねると,「考え方」というつぶやきがありました。


さらに,= behaviorと書いて,辞書を引かせると,「ふるまい」という発言が出てきました。


Which behavior is right?






I think Mr. T's behavior is right. If I am late, my friend will be sad. 


Mr. T was in the Philippines then. So he should understand their behavior.













